Help your pet care with innovative digital technology

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Digital twin technology for veterinary medicine

Digital twin technology will be one of Veeeet’s key innovations, our secret sauce. This technology will be used to systematically store data about the pet, monitor and predict health status, and develop the most reliable recommendations for feeding and care.
What is a digitaltwin?

According to the Wiki definition, “a digital twin is a digital representation of an alleged or actual real physical product, system, or process (physical twin) that serves as a virtually indistinguishable digital counterpart for practical purposes”.
In our case, a digital twin is a digital model of your pet that takes into account your pet’s breed, age, weight and height, and other physical parameters, as well as feeding characteristics, physical activity, and other factors. Such a model will allow you to see changes in the main parameters in dynamics and interdependencies – as it happens in a real pet. For example, it will be possible to predict which physical activities are safe and which may have negative effects on the heart and joints. What level of protein in food is optimal for your pet, and what is insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive and puts unnecessary stress on the kidneys.
We plan to start with a fairly simple model and gradually increase the number of factors taken into account. Our experience in veterinary medicine suggests that such a model will be extremely useful for maintaining the health of your pet, for early diagnosis and prevention of many diseases.
Digital twin technology is not just an idea of the founders of Veeeet. It is now one of the fastest growing segments of the digital market. The expected CAGR until 2028 is 61.3% (according to Marketsandmarkets). We see it as an important part of our mission to bring all the benefits of the most promising digital technologies to responsible pet owners.

06.02.2024 Pavel Orlov Co-Founder Veeeet

Clinical Decision Support Systems (Clinical DSS)

Clinical Decision Support Systems (Clinical DSS) are one of the most promising trends in EHEALTH. We are developing such a system and our users will have access to it through the Veeeet platform.
Clinical decision support systems significantly simplify the work of diagnosticians and help them to see the whole picture. Their use is particularly effective when dealing with diseases that are rarely encountered in everyday medical practice.
Overall, the global market for clinical decision support systems is estimated at 2.5 billion by 2023. The projected compound annual growth rate is approximately 9%.
There are two main types of clinical decision support systems: knowledge management (expert systems) and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Publications from authoritative sources such as Nature and SAGE highlight the effectiveness of clinical decision support systems based on knowledge management. In addition, such systems are easier to implement and do not require significant training time, unlike neural networks.
For this reason, knowledge management-based DSS (expert system) will be used to analyze the data and make the best recommendations. In the future, we see the possibility of improving the functionality of this system by introducing artificial intelligence where it is appropriate and effective.

How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Veterinarians?

As veterinarians, we are entering an era of predictive diagnostics where we will increasingly rely on the power of technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), to assist us in our work.

Using AI in Veterinary Medicine

The field of veterinary medicine involves many tasks, many of which are cognitive in nature-whether it is processing a history and combining that information with an examination to create a set of differential diagnoses, or interpreting the results of an imaging study or a battery of blood tests.

There are many areas of a veterinarian’s day where AI can make the work of the individual and the team easier, more efficient, and sometimes more effective.

Ultimately, the power of AI is akin to the collective intelligence of top experts working for you in real time, making you, the user, more informed and confident in your role as a veterinarian.

AI and diagnostics

One example is the use of AI in complete blood count (CBC).

Thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning, methods for identifying blood cells are becoming faster and more accurate. Pre-programmed algorithms are used to identify common abnormal patterns in CBC results.

Modern diagnostic instruments use sophisticated sensors to detect and evaluate information about a sample, allowing cell populations to be separated without interference from fragments or other cells. This results in improved detection and assessment of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, providing veterinarians with additional information about underlying hematologic abnormalities.

I am confident that in the near future, the automatic interpretation of medical diagnostics using AI and the generation of a report in real time will become common practice. Of course, such reports will still need to be reviewed and approved by a veterinarian.

The automation of clinical interpretation tasks promises to free up valuable veterinary time and cognitive capacity, which can then be used to review more cases, either for detailed analysis in a complex situation or for professional development.

AI and Veeeet

In our startup, an artificial intelligence system will be used to assist the pet owner in difficult situations when a professional opinion is needed quickly and a veterinarian is not available. In addition, AI can formulate a “second opinion” when making a diagnosis. In this case, there is a synergy between human experience and the ability of artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of data and identify non-obvious patterns.

15.01.2024 Pavel Orlov Co-Founder Veeeet

The functionality of Veeeet application

We want Veeeet to become one of the most important apps on the smartphone of a responsible and loving pet owner. We are also making sure to have a desktop version for ease of use.
What features will be included in the full version of Veeeet? First of all, it depends on the choice of our future customers.
The pet owner will use the mobile application interface to create a profile of the pet, taking into account its characteristics (species, age, breed, body weight, size, nutritional data, eye photo, test results (if available)). It will be possible to download test data, photos, X-rays, CT, MRI, ECHO, ultrasound data, data from wearable devices and other information.
AI analyzes the data uploaded by the owner and creates a digital twin. It then makes recommendations for nutrition, care, maintenance, and early detection, taking into account potential genetic, breed, and species-specific issues.
In the event of health problems, the owner enters the symptoms and receives a response from the Veeeet expert system/artificial intelligence on possible diagnoses, the urgency of a visit to the doctor and/or recommendations for emergency care for life-threatening conditions (poisoning, open wounds, pulmonary edema, falls from heights, etc.). In addition, the system will offer a chat with a veterinarian, nearby veterinary clinics and/or a call to a doctor at home.
For conditions that do not require emergency care (skin problems, behavioral, reproductive, etc.), Veeeet will help you find a specialist in that field in a designated area among veterinary clinics. It is also possible to consult a specialist in a particular field from a distance using telemedicine.
Veeeet will help you create high-quality, personalized queries to AI chatbots like ChatGPT. This will help you get independent recommendations on nutrition and care from external AI (“second opinion”).
In addition, special attention is given to the mental health of pets and their owners. Do you want to train your pet to be your emotional support? Or teach it to feel comfortable when traveling, in the company of strangers? Veeeet will help you.
The functionality of Veeeet application will allow you to regularly remind about the upcoming dates of vaccinations, deworming, annual examinations with the ability to make an appointment at the suggested veterinary clinics located nearby. Veeeet will help you to prepare the documents for the show, to find a specialist doctor, food that suits the animal’s personal characteristics, an insurance company, etc.
In addition, the Veeeet application will analyze scheduled and unscheduled blood tests, body weight, activity (when using a fitness tracker) with the construction of trend graphs of indicators and their analysis. This will significantly improve the early diagnosis of diseases of internal organs, their early treatment and, as a result, increase the life expectancy of pets.
During a visit to the veterinary clinic, the specialist will have the entire medical history, graphs and trends of test results, data on feeding, vaccinations and notes from the owner at hand. This will allow the veterinarian to see the whole picture of the animal, which will improve the quality of treatment.
It will be possible to register at a convenient clinic at a convenient time. For complex cases where a “second opinion” is needed, the developers plan to connect with opinion leaders in different areas of veterinary medicine in Spain, with the possibility of a paid remote teleconsultation.
The development of Veeeet functionality may include the ability to search and communicate between owners of certain groups of animals (rare species, rare breeds) to discuss characteristics, care and diet. Practically this will be handled as a blog/forum within the application.
We expect to attract insurance companies in Spain to work with us, offering them the opportunity to expand their customer base by using our platform. In this way, the insurance company not only attracts the customer, but more importantly, a responsible pet owner whose risk of serious illness is reduced through preventive measures, thereby reducing the likelihood of large insurance payments.
In addition, we are exploring the possibility of developing cooperation with manufacturers of various pet products. For example, with manufacturers of fitness trackers, smart pet scales, and GPS trackers to add the ability to synchronize their devices with the Veeeet platform. This information will be used to improve the quality of Veeeet’s recommendation personalization and AI analysis.
The application code structure will be flexible and modular, with the ability to add functionality as needed by users.

30.01.2024 Maria Orlova CEO Veeeet